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The Power Grab template contains the entire logic for the Power Grab game mode. Simply place the template in an ARC, make any desired optional modifications, and it will be ready to play.

{{CustomHeader|Title=What the Stamp does}}
Power Grab (previously known as ‘Block Conquest’) is similar to capture the flag: teams of players compete to retrieve and defend the Mega Block. Points are earned for capturing and banking time with the Mega Block in their base as well as for killing opposing players. The first team to reach the pre-determined time banked score (60 seconds by default) wins the round; the first team to win two rounds (out of three) wins.
The stamp will handle all the logic required for Power Grab. There are modifiable variables which can be adjusted to tune the game rules and game objects such as sample spawn points, team bases and a mega cube which can be placed anywhere in an ARC. The stamp will handle the full game mode flow such as ready up, game mode play, post-game, and transitions to other game modes.

There are two teams in Power Grab, with a maximum of [8] players per team ([16] players total). The game will begin once a minimum of [2] players per team has been reached during the Lobby Phase. During the Lobby Phase, players can choose their team.
{{CustomHeader|Title=Where to find it}}
Stamps > Public Stamps > Power Grab Template

Players may gain or lose points throughout the match through several means, including killing an opponent (1 point); killing an opponent carrying the Mega Block (2 points); killing self or teammates (-1 point); picking up the Mega Block (2 points); and capturing the Mega Block (5 points). Points earned are displayed on a final scoreboard, but have no bearing on the game outcome.
{{CustomHeader|Title=Rules of output}}
Power Grab is a capture-the-flag type game mode where two teams must capture the mega cube at their base and defend it, gaining 1 score per second of it being captured. Once the score cap is reached, the scoring team will win the round. The first team to win X number of rounds wins the game.

The Mega Block spawns 20 seconds after players spawn at the beginning of the round. It spawns in a central location on the map and can be picked up by walking over it; when a player is carrying the Mega Block, they are unable to access weapons from their Backpack. While carrying the Mega Block, an icon highlighting them is visible on the minimap.
{{CustomHeader|Title=Win conditions}}
If the round timer ends before the score cap is reached, then the highest scoring team will win the round.

When the player carrying the Mega Block is killed, it is immediately dropped. From that point, a player from either team can pick it up and attempt to capture it. If, after [10] seconds, the Mega Block hasn’t been picked up, it respawns back at the centre of the map. If a player is killed, they remain downed for several seconds before respawning near their team.
The round can transition to overtime in two scenarios:
* The round ends in a draw
** Overtime will immediately end if either team captures the mega cube. The first team to capture will win the round.
* The losing team has the mega cube captured
** Overtime will immediately end if the losing team overtakes score, or if the winning team steals the mega cube.
If the overtime timer ends and the game is still drawn, the round will end and neither team will win a round point.

Once the Mega Block has been captured by a team and returned to their base, it begins to bank time. A HUD element displaying banked time is visible to all players. The attacking team can recapture the block by standing over it unopposed for [0] seconds; when removed, the Mega Block stops banking time, but the time banked does not decay.
{{CustomHeader|Title=Player Spawning}}
There are 3 types of player spawn points:
* Defend: Players spawn here when their team has captured the mega cube.
* Attack: Players spawn here when the opposing team has captured the mega cube.
* Default: Players spawn here when neither team has captured the mega cube.

If both teams have the same score at the end of a round, the round goes into overtime: the game resets as though starting a new round, and the first team to get the block to their base wins.
{{CustomHeader|Title=Mega Cube}}
Players can pick up the mega cube by touching it. If the mega cube carrier is killed, then the mega cube will fall to the ground and will reset to the start point after 10 seconds (unless picked up by another player).

{{CustomHeader|Title=Making a Power Grab Game}}
The mega cube can be captured at a player’s team base where it is automatically detached and placed.
Players can defend the captured mega cube by standing on their base to contest it. While the base is contested, the enemy team will not be able to steal the mega cube.

<h3>Required Assets</h3>
{{CustomHeader|Title=Instructions for use}}
<div style="border: 1px solid #473ba7; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #050522; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 10px 0;">
<p>1+ Team 1 Initial Spawn Point</p>
* Set ARC Type to <b>Game</b> or <b>Game with a Lobby</b>
<p>1+ Team 2 Initial Spawn Point</p>
* Set Spawn System to <b>Manual</b>
<p>1+ Team 1 Default Respawn Point(s)</p>
* Customize stamp variable default values (optional)
<p>1+ Team 2 Default Respawn Point(s)</p>
<p>1+ Team 1 Centre Respawn Point</p>
<p>1+ Team 2 Centre Respawn Point</p>
<p>1 MegaBlock Spawn Point</p>
<p>1 Team 1 Base</p>
<p>1 Team 2 Base</p>

{{CustomHeader|Title=Adjusting Power Grab Settings}}
<div style="border: 1px solid #473ba7; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #050522; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 10px 0;">
There are sample spawn points that can be placed anywhere required for each team.
<p>Player Count Minimum Allowed (int) - Cannot be set to be less than 2 players. Cannot be larger than "Player Count Maximum Allowed". This sets the lower limit of the range within which players in lobbies can set the number of people they want to play with.</p>
<p>Player Count Maximum Allowed (int) - Cannot be set to be more than X players. This sets the higher limit of the range within which players in lobbies can set the number of people they want to play with.</p>
<p>Allow Friendly Fire by Default (bool) - If enabled, players are able to damage their teammates with weapons. Upon creation of a lobby, this is applied to "Allow Friendly Fire", but that value can be overwritten by players in their lobby.</p>
<p>Penalize Friendly Fire by Default (bool) - disabled if "Allow Friendly Fire by Default" is unchecked. Unchecked by default. If enabled, eliminating friendly players with a weapon reduces score by 1. Upon creation of a lobby, this is applied to "Penalize Friendly Fire", but that value can be overwritten by players in their lobby.</p>
<p>Default Number of Rounds to Win (int) - Cannot be set to less than 1 nor more than X. Upon creation of a lobby, this is applied to the "Number of Rounds to Win" but that value can be overwritten by players in their lobby.</p>

{{CustomHeader|Title=Completion Requirement}}
*Place as many Player Spawn Points as needed for each team with the appropriate attributes (the stamp contains examples of each for each team). There are 3 types: Defend, Attack, Default.
<div style="border: 1px solid #473ba7; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #050522; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 10px 0;">
** Players spawn at Defend spawn points if their team has captured the mega cube
<p>All ARCs must be playable and completed in order to be published.</p>
** Players spawn at Attack spawn points if the opposing team has captured the mega cube
<p>Before publishing a Power Grab game, the creator must play and win a complete match as a member of both teams in their map.</p>
** Players spawn at Default spawn points if neither team has captured the mega cube
<p>Any changes made to the room reset this requirement' completion.</p>
*There is one base for each team, these are marked as Alpha and Bravo, and contain a trigger box which is linked to the logic required for each base.
** Place both bases wherever desired in the ARC.
*There is a mega cube actor and mega cube base game object. Whenever the mega cube is reset, it will be sent back to this base.
** Place the mega cube actor and mega cube base anywhere in the ARC.
Once this is all set up, the game mode will be ready to go.
{| class="wikitable custom-table"
! style="width: 400px; background-color: #050522; color: #ffffff;" | Changeable Setting
! style="width: 600px; background-color: #050522; color: #ffffff;" | Option
! style="width: 900px; background-color: #050522; color: #ffffff;" | Description
| Pre-game Duration
| 0-1000 (Default 120)
| The duration in seconds for the ready up screen to be visible for.
| Round Duration
| 0-1000 (Default 300)
| The duration in seconds of the round. The round will be evaluated and go into overtime if required after this duration.
| Post-game Duration
| 0-1000 (Default 60)
| The duration in seconds that the post-game screen will be visible before transitioning to the next game mode.
| Overtime Duration
| 0-1000 (Default 60)
| The maximum duration of overtime before the round finishes.
| Score to win round
| 0-1000 (Default 60)
| The score cap for a team to win the round. The round will end immediately if this score cap is reached.
| Rounds to win game
| 0-1000 (Default 2)
| The number of rounds a team needs to win to win the game.

Latest revision as of 13:32, 14 June 2024


The Power Grab template contains the entire logic for the Power Grab game mode. Simply place the template in an ARC, make any desired optional modifications, and it will be ready to play.

What the Stamp does

The stamp will handle all the logic required for Power Grab. There are modifiable variables which can be adjusted to tune the game rules and game objects such as sample spawn points, team bases and a mega cube which can be placed anywhere in an ARC. The stamp will handle the full game mode flow such as ready up, game mode play, post-game, and transitions to other game modes.

Where to find it

Stamps > Public Stamps > Power Grab Template

Rules of output

Power Grab is a capture-the-flag type game mode where two teams must capture the mega cube at their base and defend it, gaining 1 score per second of it being captured. Once the score cap is reached, the scoring team will win the round. The first team to win X number of rounds wins the game.

Win conditions

If the round timer ends before the score cap is reached, then the highest scoring team will win the round.

The round can transition to overtime in two scenarios:

  • The round ends in a draw
    • Overtime will immediately end if either team captures the mega cube. The first team to capture will win the round.
  • The losing team has the mega cube captured
    • Overtime will immediately end if the losing team overtakes score, or if the winning team steals the mega cube.

If the overtime timer ends and the game is still drawn, the round will end and neither team will win a round point.

Player Spawning

There are 3 types of player spawn points:

  • Defend: Players spawn here when their team has captured the mega cube.
  • Attack: Players spawn here when the opposing team has captured the mega cube.
  • Default: Players spawn here when neither team has captured the mega cube.

Mega Cube

Players can pick up the mega cube by touching it. If the mega cube carrier is killed, then the mega cube will fall to the ground and will reset to the start point after 10 seconds (unless picked up by another player).

The mega cube can be captured at a player’s team base where it is automatically detached and placed. Players can defend the captured mega cube by standing on their base to contest it. While the base is contested, the enemy team will not be able to steal the mega cube.

Instructions for use


  • Set ARC Type to Game or Game with a Lobby
  • Set Spawn System to Manual
  • Customize stamp variable default values (optional)


There are sample spawn points that can be placed anywhere required for each team.

  • Place as many Player Spawn Points as needed for each team with the appropriate attributes (the stamp contains examples of each for each team). There are 3 types: Defend, Attack, Default.
    • Players spawn at Defend spawn points if their team has captured the mega cube
    • Players spawn at Attack spawn points if the opposing team has captured the mega cube
    • Players spawn at Default spawn points if neither team has captured the mega cube
  • There is one base for each team, these are marked as Alpha and Bravo, and contain a trigger box which is linked to the logic required for each base.
    • Place both bases wherever desired in the ARC.
  • There is a mega cube actor and mega cube base game object. Whenever the mega cube is reset, it will be sent back to this base.
    • Place the mega cube actor and mega cube base anywhere in the ARC.

Once this is all set up, the game mode will be ready to go.


Changeable Setting Option Description
Pre-game Duration 0-1000 (Default 120) The duration in seconds for the ready up screen to be visible for.
Round Duration 0-1000 (Default 300) The duration in seconds of the round. The round will be evaluated and go into overtime if required after this duration.
Post-game Duration 0-1000 (Default 60) The duration in seconds that the post-game screen will be visible before transitioning to the next game mode.
Overtime Duration 0-1000 (Default 60) The maximum duration of overtime before the round finishes.
Score to win round 0-1000 (Default 60) The score cap for a team to win the round. The round will end immediately if this score cap is reached.
Rounds to win game 0-1000 (Default 2) The number of rounds a team needs to win to win the game.