Wheeled Race

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The Race Template is a stamp which contains all the logic necessary to build a Race Gamemode with Vehicles. Place it in your arc and adjust its nodes accordingly to transform your track into a fully functional race!

What the Stamp does

This stamp is a collection of logic nodes which integrate the main mechanics of a race, from letting players select their own vehicles and tracking the race progression, to resetting the players to their last crossed gate and showing the race results at the end of the race.

This stamp also includes the base logic of a racetrack, with a couple of gates acting as start and end points of the race.

What remains for the player is to follow the instruction written alongside the stamp and create their own custom racetrack, by duplicating and positioning the race gates logic to match the track they want to build.



Wheeled Races are a traditional car race gamemode, based around a checkpoint system. Tracks are made up of checkpoints through which players must pass to progress; missing a gate will halt progression until the player passes through the missed gate.

Players can respawn at their last checkpoint if they miss a gate or are unable to continue (such as through flipping their vehicle and/or having their vehicle destroyed). Respawning through [R] (keyboard) will return them to their previous checkpoint in Ghost Mode.

While in Ghost Mode, a vehicle’s ‘Vehicle to Vehicle Collision’ is disabled for at least 3 seconds but is kept for longer if the car is still overlapping with other vehicles.

Race Types

There are two primary types of Races:

  • Point to Point Races: races with no laps, where the start and the end of the race are in different points on the track and determined by two separate gates.
  • Lap Races: races with multiple laps, where the start and the end of each lap is determined by one shared gate.

Starting a Race

Before the race starts, players are spawned at their respective starting point. Here, each player can choose a vehicle they prefer from the vehicle selection screen. Once all the players have chosen a vehicle and readied up, a 3-second countdown starts, after which the race begins.

Ending a Race

The first player to pass through the last gate of the final lap wins, initiating a 45s countdown for the remaining players to finish the race. The first three players to finish the race are immediately moved to the winners’ podium.

When the race countdown concludes, the race is ended for all players; those who do not pass through the last gate receive a DNF (did not finish) and the winners' podium is displayed to all players.

Additional Elements

There are several visual and mechanical elements to Wheeled Races that players can utilize to their advantage. Chevrons are holographic arrow displays indicating the lines of the track and where a player should turn.

The Racing HUD displays essential information to the player throughout the race, including their current time in the race, a checkpoint (Gate) counter, their current place in the race, a lap counter, their boost meter, and any warning displays (such as ‘Missed Gate’, ‘Wrong Way’, and ‘Out of Bounds’). When a lap is completed, the player is shown their lap time. A message is displayed with one player overtakes another.

Where to find it

Stamps > Public Stamps > Race Template


Arc settings

  • Set ARC Type to Game or Game with a Lobby
  • Set Spawn System to Manual
  • Customize stamp variable default values (optional)
  • Set Max Players equal to the number of race starting points

Race Settings

  • Look for the Race Node (positioned in the “Race Start & End” section of the stamp) and set up the race type as lap race or point to point, and adjust the number of laps
  • Once you have created your track, duplicate the last gate node and the related logic connected to it to follow your track path.

There are no specific guidelines on how many gates your track should have, but the more you place them, the more checkpoints the players will have in case they want to reset their vehicles, and the better the position tracking will be.

The Race Node is already connected to the start gate in the template, but if you want to change it simply delete the connection and connect the race node to a new gate.

  • Make sure that every time you duplicate a gate and its logic, the string node passed to the advanced string variable “last crossed gate” matches with the name of the player spawn point at the center of the gate, and that this string is unique on each gate. This is to make sure that when the player wants to reset, the correct spawn point id is passed to the reset system (check Gate Reset & Respawn Section of the stamp for more details)
  • Link each gate to one another through the “Next Race Gates” slot on each race node. If it is a lap race, link the last gate to the start gate.
  • The Race System supports branching paths, so you are able to create multiple ways for your race and connect each gate to more than one gate.
    • You can generate as many paths as you want, but there can only be one start and one end gate which determines the start and end of a race. For a lap race, these two gates coincide.
    • You can't create loops that are not the main loop of a lap race.
    • Each branching path should result in having the same number of gates from start to finish of the race no matter what path the player decides to take.