Gun Game

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The Gun Game Template stamp contains the logic for the Gun Game game mode. Simply place the template in an ARC, make any desired optional modifications, and it will be ready to play.

What The Stamp Does

The Gun Game Template stamp includes the full logic for the game mode, including the game flow, from pregame to postgame and transition to next game, UI during the different stages and player level, kills, and deaths tracking. The stamp also handles the player leveling and weapon equip logic.

Where to find it

Stamps > Public Stamps > Gun Game Template

Rules of output

Gun Game is a free-for-all style game mode where kills increase a player’s level, giving them a different weapon for each level. When a player gets a kill after they are at the maximum level, they will be victorious.

Win conditions

When a player kills another player while on the maximum level, they will win the game. If the round timer ends before any player at the maximum level kills another player, then the player with the highest level will win the game.

Player Levels

There are 8 player levels in the stamp, and each player is required to get 2 kills with a weapon before they are leveled up by default, this can be adjusted in the “KillsToLevelUp” variable. When a player levels up, they will receive a new weapon. The weapons for each level are:

  • Sickle
  • Xenobeam
  • SP-1
  • Starpike
  • Eruptor
  • Clapshot
  • Domescope
  • Proximity Mine

Players can also be leveled down for a self-kill and will equip the weapon assigned to their new level.

Instructions for use


  • Set the Arc Type to Game or Game with a Lobby.
  • Customize the Spawn System Settings.
  • Place as many Player Spawn Points as needed.
  • (Optional) Customize Stamp Variables default values.


The stamp works out of the box with Default Spawn System for Game Arcs, but it is also compatible with Manual mode. However, the logic does not include player spawning or respawning, so remember to build logic for spawning players when using Manual mode.


Changeable Setting Option Description
Pregame Time 0-1000 (Default 45) Duration of the Pregame/Ready-up state.
Round Time 0-1000 (Default 300) Duration of the round in seconds.
Postgame Time 0-1000 (Default 45) Duration of the Postgame state when players can vote for the next game to play.
Winner UI Time 0-1000 (Default 15) Duration of the end of round stage, where the winner is displayed.
Kills To Level Up 0-1000 (Default 2) Number of kills required for a player to level up.
Levels To Win 0-1000 (Default 8) Number of levels required for the player to win. Cannot be higher than 8 for now due to setup only accounting for 8 weapons.