Publishing ARCs
What Is Publishing?
Publishing an ARC makes it open for others to enjoy.
Open The Publish Panel
Open the Publish Panel with button on the right of the Toolbar.
Change Gamemode Setting
Change the Gamemode dropdown settings. Place makes an ARC a location players can visit with no restrictions. Other options in the Gamemodes list have special requirements for Publishing and playing.
Item Checklist
Most Gamemode types have required items to be placed for an ARC to work as intended. These requirements are shown in a checklist on the right. Places do not have required items.
Some Gamemodes require testing before Publishing. This can be done using the Test button in the Publish Panel. If the button is visible, the ARC requires testing. Place ARCs does not require a test.
Publishing Status
Any requirements still to be completed to Publish an ARC are listed in the Status section of the Publish Panel.
Select A Version
Last step is selecting a version to Publish. A message prompts creating a version if one does not exist. Versions of an ARC can be created in the Settings Panel. Versions capture a snapshot of an ARC's progress at point of creation. This allows for experimentation in ARCs and reverting back to older versions without having to start over. To Publish a specific version or update an already published ARC with another version, load into the desired version and hit Publish again.
Publish ARC
Press the Publish button at the bottom of Publish Panel. The Publish button uploads ARCs to the ARCADIA database and sends them for moderation approval. The Unpublish button returns the ARC back to private, meaning players cannot find it anymore.
Check out ARCs published by others or start a new version of an ARC and get building.