Creating a Stamp

Revision as of 11:37, 5 June 2024 by Chameleon (talk | contribs)
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Creating a Stamp

  • Place multiple items from the Asset catalogue into your ARC.
  • Select desired items that you wish to have included in the Stamp.
  • Click and drag the cursor over all the items placed. This can also be done by selecting individual items one-by-one for more precise choices. Use CTRL + LMB to add an item to mass selection.
  • Group the selected items together either using CTRL+G.
  • Double check all the items for the Stamp are highlighted before grouping them. Groups and Stamps can be edited after they have been created.
  • Once items have been grouped, press CTRL+P on selected group or use context menu (RMB) and select 'Create Stamp'.
  • Grouped items have a Stamp option available that single or ungrouped sets of items do not.
  • A Stamp can be renamed through the context menu. Right click on the desired placed stamp, and then click (LMB) on its name at the top of the menu to edit:

Placing an Existing Stamp

Stamps are located in the Asset Library. Click or drag a Stamp from the Stamps category in the Asset Library to place it in an ARC.

Stamp Sharing

  • Click or drag one of your Stamps from the Stamps category in the Asset Library to place it in an ARC
  • Select the placed Stamp to view its Attributes Menu. Left Click an item placed in an ARC to select it
  • Create a Stamp Thumbnail, click the square at the top of the Attributes Menu
    • With the Stamp selected, press F to focus the camera on it
  • Stamps require a name and description for sharing. Best practice is to clearly name and describe what a Stamp is and or does. The creator and other builders can then quickly understand it's function
  • Tagging Stamps makes them easier to find. Use the drop-down lists to select up to 3 Tags for a Stamp. Match Tags to a Stamps purpose and style
  • Once the Stamp is ready, click the Share Stamp With Others tick box. Other builders can search your creator name in the Shared Stamps list and see your Shared Stamps and use them in their ARCs

Deleting a Stamp

  • Go to Stamps directory
  • Hover over stamp that is intended for deletion
  • Press Delete key
  • Select 'Yes' to delete stamp