Common Issues

Revision as of 09:56, 26 June 2024 by Chameleon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page highlights common issues players might encounter while building in ARCADIA. {{CustomHeader|Title=Manual Spawning}} <p>When using manual spawning, you must take extra care to ensure the players are spawned when they are connecting to the game, regardless of the state of the game. If a player is not spawned at least once, then the game will never finish loading for them, and they will be kicked out of the game, while your experience will be flagged as defective...")
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This page highlights common issues players might encounter while building in ARCADIA.

Manual Spawning

When using manual spawning, you must take extra care to ensure the players are spawned when they are connecting to the game, regardless of the state of the game. If a player is not spawned at least once, then the game will never finish loading for them, and they will be kicked out of the game, while your experience will be flagged as defective.

Multiplayer testing with multiple people will allow you to find most issues with your system.

Advanced Variables Naming

When working with advanced variables, you have to be aware that duplicating a node will append a “_copy” at the end of the variable name. This is intended to protect the logic you have already built, but that also means that if you are not careful, you can easily miss a duplicated variable which has not been appropriately named.

Always rename the variables when you place them, and you should never get issues related with this.

When placing a stamp, any advanced variables will automatically have _copy added if they have a variable name conflicting with one already present on your ARC.

Infinite Loop and Circular Logic

When building Logic with Nodes, it is possible to get in a situation where the logic is triggered infinitely in a loop. There are two mechanisms in the game to alleviate some of this, but if there are too many events being triggered, at some point you will overflow the capacity of the editor and get an error.