AI represents all non-human controlled characters and actors in ARCADIA.
AI Types
Currently in ARCADIA we have 3 types of true AI
Humanoid bot [Exile]
Dangerous Plants
All 3 types are similar in functionality, though the exile, humanoid bot, can be linked to certain nodes in order to issue commands. All types also use the same set of Factions, which are explained in the section below.
AI Factions
There are 5 AI factions currently available in ARCADIA:
1. Friendly
This faction is friendly to all other factions; players cannot damage this faction, but other factions may attack it. The friendly faction will never fight back.
2. Neutral
This faction is neutral to all other factions; players can damage this faction and other factions may attack it. The neutral faction will never fight back.
3. Hostile
This faction is hostile to everything, including other members of the hostile factions. Players can damage this faction and other factions may attack it.
4. DefaultPlayer
This faction is the players faction, AI set to this faction will assist the player by attacking DefaultAI.
5. DefaultAI
This faction opposes DefaultPlayer, AI set to this faction will attack the player and any other AI set to DefaultPlayer.
AI Properties
In addition to their faction, AIs also have two other properties, with exiles having a third:
1- Weapon
2- Health
3- Invincibility