Advanced Variables

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Node Details
Logic Type: Variable
Menu Location: Logic > Variable Nodes > Advanced Variables
PI Score: N/A


Powerful variable nodes that can store different types of values per ARC or per Player, and even store these persistently online. Advanced Variables can be named so multiple instances can reference the same value to make it easier to access and organize logic.

Expanded Description

There are multiple types of Advanced Variables available:

  • Advanced String
  • Advanced Number
  • Advanced Boolean
  • Advanced Vector3
  • Advanced Actor
  • Advanced Player ID
  • Advanced Color
  • Advanced Transform
  • Advanced Vehicle Spawn ID

Requirements to Function (if applicable)


Limitations to Function (if applicable)


Attributes (if applicable)

Name Option Description
Variable NameStringDefines which variable instances reference to the same value. Having an empty name will create a unique variable. Note: duplicating Advanced Variable nodes will append _Copy.
DescriptionStringOptional field to describe what the variable represents.
Value ModeEnum: Per ARC / Per PlayerDefines if the variable is global to the Arc or should be indexed by Player Id.
Persistency ModeEnum: Offline / OnlineWhether the value of the variable will persist between instances of the room. Online variables will trigger extra events (On Online Value Ready, On Get Online Value Not Ready)
Default ValueDefault value of the variable on start. For variables with online persistency mode it will apply the first time the Arc loads (or the first time a player joins the room in the case of a per player variable)
Receive Notification On UpdateBooleanWhether the specific instance of the advanced variable will work as a listener node. On Value Updated will be triggered every time the variable is set, including on start or on player join (for per arc and per player variables respectively). Only works with named variables.

Logic Linking

Outgoing Events

Name Description
On Get ValueTriggered from Get Value function. Includes Outputted Value and Player Id (if Per Player) data events.
On Value UpdatedTriggered from Update Value function of the same node instance or any other instance with the same variable name if Receive Notification On Update is set. Includes Outputted Value and Player Id (if Per Player) data events.
On Online Value ReadyTriggered when the online value for this variable is loaded. Online values are loaded as soon as the Arc starts or as soon as the player joins (if Per Player). Requires a Variable Name.
On Get Online Value Not ReadyTriggered when Get Value or Update Value are triggered before the required online value was loaded.
Outputted ValueData value of the variable.
Player IdId of the player the variable value belongs to when set to Per Player.

Incoming Functions

Name Description
Get ValueRetrieves the variable value. Requires Player Id function if Per Player. Triggers On Get Value.
Update ValueUpdates the variable value to the given Overwrite Value. Requires Player Id function if Per Player. Triggers On Value Updated.
Overwrite ValueValue used for overriding the variable using Update Value.
Player IdId of the player to get/update variable from. Only used for Per Player variables.

Common Use Cases

Advanced variables are the basic block for building complex logic. If you need to have access to a value at different point in your arc, consider using advanced variables as it will greatly simplify the linking and updating of your logic. Advanced variables allow you to save values online, which can be used to add progression to your experiences and incentivize player to come back to your arcs.

Similar Logic Objects and Variants


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