Attack Node

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Attack Node[edit]

The Attack Node is a type of item in UGC Play Mode game editor designed to manage all items of type 'AttackNode'. It's one of the many various user-placeable nodes that an user can place in the game editor.


The Attack Node offers a variety of functionalities such as creating item variables, receiving item events, force targeting, and target clearing.

  • Creating Item Variables: This feature allows the Attack Node to define item variables like the `overwrittenAttackActor` and the `nodeActive` status flag.
  • Receiving Item Events: The Attack Node can take in events and perform actions according to the received event. It may declare an attack target and initiate an attack, stop an ongoing attack, overwrite an attack actor along with some other activities based on the type of event it receives.
  • Force Targeting: By using this feature, the Attack Node can force the in-game characters to target a chosen attack target.
  • Clear Target: This functionality simply clears the current target of an in-game character.


Let's consider a scenario where you want a character in your game to attack a specific target. You can put an 'Attack Node' into your game, and set the `overwrittenAttackActor` to the target you wish the character to attack. Once the node is activated, the character will proceed to attack the target.

Similarly, if you want the character to stop attacking, you can send a 'Stop' event to the 'Attack Node' which will trigger the `ClearTarget` function and stop the character from attacking.

Thus, with the usage of the Attack Node, one can easily manage and control the attack behaviors of characters in a game.