Introduction to Logic

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Logic Linking: Items can be linked together using Logic. This allows for creation of gameplay interactions. Check out Logic Best Practices by Build A Rocket Boy.

Below are some examples of basic logic linking to familiarise yourself with how the system works. Start with basic functionality, and build more complexity as you get comfortable with ARCADIA.

Sliding Doors

This page shows you how to setup logic for doors to open and close based on player location whenever they enter / leave a designated area.

Interactive Light

This page shows you how to create Logic for turning a light on / off with a Pressure Plate. You can apply the same principals with different types of triggers.

Moving Platforms

Moving platforms can add a lot of layers to your ARC. You can apply them to gates, or to open new paths for players to progress throughout your ARC. This page explains how to trigger specific object movement when a player enters a Trigger volume.