A-Z Logic Nodes
Table of Contents
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Advanced Variables
Powerful variable nodes that can store different types of values per ARC or per Player, and even store these persistently online. Advanced Variables can be named so multiple instances can reference the same value to make it easier to access and organize logic.
Action Restriction Node
Action Restriction Nodes are primarily used to set and modify the available actions and movements a player or all players can perform in the game.
Action Restriction Volume
Upon entering and while inside this volume, you can impose certain restrictions to the player actions. i.e. when entering this volume, the player cannot jump or shoot their weapons etc.
Attack Node
Attack Nodes are used to instruct an AI to attack something. They can be linked to an AI that has been placed in the ARC, an AI spawner node or players, and can be instructed by logic on when to start or stop. The target can be overwritten via logic.
Attach Node
Attach Nodes are used to attach objects that have physics to each other, including players, AI and vehicles, with one acting as a parent and the rest as a child. The Attributes Panel determines the relative position of a child objects to the parent object, and what happens to the child object when the parent is destroyed, eliminated or respawned.
Audio Emitter Node
Audio Emitter Nodes are used to add audio to the ARC. You can set it to auto play on start, or you can activate it with logic. You can set the volume, pitch and attenuation (proximity sound), whether it’s present in the whole ARC or based on position, and how long it takes for it to fade (in seconds).
Blip Node
Blip Nodes add a blip or a marker on the minimap. The icon options are Objective, Enemy, Car, Portal, Item.
Box Damage Volume
When entering this cuboid volume, damage the player/s for x amount.
Box Heal Volume
When entering this cuboid volume, heal the player/s for x amount.
Box Interact Volume
When entering this cuboid volume, press a button to activate / trigger something as a result i.e. when the player enters this cylindrical volume, press the F button to open the door.
Box Trigger Volume
When entering this cuboid volume, trigger or activate something as a result i.e. when the player enters this cylindrical volume, play a sound effect.
Cylinder Damage Volume
When entering this cylindrical volume, damage the player/s for x amount.
Cylinder Heal Volume
When entering this cylindrical volume, heal the player/s for x amount.
Cylinder Interact Volume
When entering this cylindrical volume, press a button to activate / trigger something as a result i.e. when the player enters this cylindrical volume, press the F button to open the door.
Cylinder Trigger Volume
When entering this cylindrical volume, trigger or activate something as a result i.e. when the player enters this cylindrical volume, play a sound effect.
Delay Node
Delay Nodes are used to delay a certain linked event by a chosen amount of time, in seconds. You can choose whether the delay happens for all Nodes simultaneously or in sequence.
Eliminate Node
Eliminate Nodes are used to link entities in order to eliminate them when triggered, and can be set to ignore any previously invincibility setting.
Event Node
When an Event Node is triggered, all Event Nodes in your ARC with the same name will trigger any other nodes they are linked to. This helps you organise your nodes and allows you to avoid having links across your ARC.
Faction Node
Faction Nodes are used to set objects under the same faction.
Follow Node
Follow Nodes are used to instruct AIs to follow a target in a set distance. They can be used to link the target with an AI that has been placed in the ARC, an AI spawner Node or players. The distance and follow target can be overwritten via other logic nodes.
Flip/Flop Node
Flip/Flop Nodes are used to alternate between two other logic nodes automatically each time they’re triggered. This can be used to automatically allocate players across two teams upon joining a game.
Gate Node
Gate Nodes are used to enable or disable all the linked logic, or toggle between the two.
Get Actor Location Node
Get Actor Location Nodes are used to retrieve the location of an entity with the purpose of linking it to another or to logic, before determining what happens when the retrieved location data is successful or failed.
Get Actor Rotation Node
Get Actor Rotation Nodes are used to retrieve the rotation of an entity with the purpose of linking it to another or to logic, before determining what happens when the retrieved rotation data is successful or failed.
Go to Node
Go to Nodes are used to command AI to move to a target’s position, such as an AI that has been placed in the ARC, an AI spawner Node or players. They can be instructed when to start or stop by logic nodes and the target can be overwritten.
Input Node
Input Nodes are used to set which input keys will activate a certain logic-linked action. It can be set to be enabled or disabled by default, and the available keys to custom are: Enter, Up, Down, Left, Right, W, A, S, D, or Interact (F).
Kill Volume
When entering this volume, it instantly kills any player.
Move Node
The Move Node is used to make an asset move along the XYZ axes (the values for which are determined in the Translation section of the Attributes settings) when given certain conditions. You can select whether the object or world axes are used, the duration of the movement (in seconds), and whether we want it at even pace, easing in/out or both.
Music Node
Music Nodes are used to introduce music to ARCs. Through the Attribute Panel, we can select the audio file and whether we want it to auto play from the start. You can instruct it by logic on when to start or stop.
Navigation Restriction Nodes can be used to restrict the area in which an AI is allowed to move, by keeping them in or out of the area. Navigation Restriction Nodes must be linked to a Navigation Area Volume Node to function.
Objective Node
Objective Nodes are used in ARCs to provide players with a constant string of text that guides them. They can’t be linked to anything and can only be activated by another node. The Attributes Panel determines the text and its behaviour.
OnStart Node
OnStart Nodes are used to determine which logic Nodes are activated upon entering the ARC. Use this Node to set which Nodes you want to be activated when a player enters the ARC
On/Off node
On/Off Nodes are used to activate or deactivate another logic nodes, or flip between the two.
Patrol Node
Patrol Nodes are used to link an AI to patrol points, by determining a path for it to move. On the Attributes Panel, you can set the maximum distance that a bot can move away from a patrol point upon detecting a player. Whichever point is first linked will determine that starting point of the path.
Path Move Node
Path Move Nodes are used to move linked objects along a designated path. Via the Attributes Panel, you can set the duration and the type of movement (linear, easing in and/or out).
Player Inventory Requirement Node
Player Inventory Nodes are used to determine players' eligibility for certain actions/events, based on level, inventory, or currency. Through the Attributes Panel, you can set the amount necessary for the event to trigger, and whether just one player or all players are required to meet the criteria.
Random Node
A Random Node activates a subsequently connected node at random following its activation.
Random Number Node
Random Number Nodes are used to generate random numbers between two set values (can fail if inverted). They can be linked to events you want to happen depending on whether it does or doesn’t generate a number, and events you want to happen when the number coincides with a target number (through Variable Nodes like number, boolean etc) or to a display.
Repeat Node
Repeat Nodes are used to repeat a set of activated logic events a set number of times or infinitely, and at a set interval. When attached to more than one event, we can choose whether the delay happens for all nodes simultaneously or in sequence.
Remove Node
Remove Nodes are used to remove any linked object when a condition is met.
Rotate Node
The rotate Node is used to make an asset rotate around the XYZ axes (the values for which are determined in the Translation section of the Attributes settings) when given certain conditions. You can select whether the object or world axes are used, the duration of the movement (in seconds), and whether you want it at an even pace, easing in/out, or both.
Set Actor Location Node
Set Actor Location Nodes are used to link the location of an entity with another’s and determine what happens when the retrieval of the location data is successful or failed.
Set Actor Rotation Node
Set Actor Rotation Nodes are used to link the rotation of an entity with another’s and determine what happens when the retrieval of the rotation data is successful or failed.
Set collision Node
Set Collision Nodes are used to determine an object’s default collision state and its subsequent collision state after the collision Node has been activated.
Set Tip Node
Set Tip Nodes are used for on-screen text that is meant to give players hints.
Set visibility Node
Set Visibility Nodes are used to determine whether an object is visible or not by default, and to set the object visibility following the Node’s activation.
Sphere Damage Volume
When entering this sphere volume, any actor takes x amount of damage; which is subtracted from your health.
Sphere Heal Volume
When entering this sphere volume, heal the player/s for x amount.
Sphere Interact Volume
When an actor overlaps with this sphere volume, you can interact via a button press to trigger something. i.e. when the player walks into this sphere volume, press the F button to open the door.
Sphere Trigger Volume
When an actor overlaps with this sphere volume, trigger something as a result. i.e. when the player walks into this sphere volume, play a particle effect.
Time Of Day Node
Time Of Day Nodes are used to set an ARC’s Time of Day to a different one than default when triggered by logic.
Timer Node
Timer Nodes are used to set when a linked Node is activated, measured in seconds, and whether that happens on a loop. Timer Nodes can be paused, restarted, or reset.
Trigger Node
Trigger Nodes come in three default shapes: boxes, spheres, and cylinders. They are used to trigger other logic Nodes when their volume is entered or exited.
Wander Node
Wander Nodes are used to instruct AI to wander. They can be linked to a bot or to an AI spawner Node and can be instructed by other logic nodes on when to start or stop.